Friday, June 28, 2013

Life in pictures..

Killing my green smoothie, can't believe she loves it, it was great by the way.. 

She only have 4 teeth,two on the bottom and two in the upper, oh and they're not the central as you can see... She it's so funny when she smiles, but it's starting to  concern me, she uses bottle feed, do u guys think that's the reason? Im planning to take her off. It makes me so sad to think i only get to breast feed her like 2 months. Now she's 1 year it's not her main meal, she just takes 1 or 2 max. At day..

The girls with her gandma, Victoria trying to reach her juice hahaha loved Vale's smile.

I have like 3 months on trying slowly but surely to eat more healthy, juicing & making green smoothies everyday and trying to stay as more natural & organic as i can. I'm not gonna lie its not easy, more if in the city i live we don't have much options, there are like 2 little markets where i can find some great organic stuff (expensive by the way) but in fruits & veggies it's so hard to find some place, but well i have near Calexico, CA. so there's where i find most of my stuff.
I've never purchased on internet, but i'm planning on buying some goodies like cacao powder, i love making green smoothies and it would taste amazing with & i am a CHOCOLATE ADDICT, seriously it's my weakness, right now i'm a huge fan of DARK CHOCOLATE, i also love with all my heart nutella but knowing all the chemicals and process it has in it, it made me realize it's not fun and healthy anymore so yep it broke my heart..
(Did you realize the time and space i made talking about only chocolate haha that wasn't the point).
I hate navitas site, it makes me wanna order EVERYTHING!! 
I admire and aspire to be raw vegan, i honestly found it very hard, i realize that meet & chicken wouldn't be so hard for me to quit, i love veggies, salads yummm.. but i'm a cheese lover, i love cheeeeesssee!!! & sour cream :( but like i said on the beginning step by step, i'm trying to remove most of meats of my meals, it's so hard when you have a big Mexican family who loves making parties with lots of food haha. 
Well well, i'm trying my best, for me, my babies health and also my body.
I'm now 125 lbs. when i got pregnant of Valeria i was like 114, then before i got pregnant of Victoria i was 112, so skinny i literally never been so skinny before i've always been like in shape but never skinny, buuuuuut when i was pregnant i ate like a piggy really like a cow omg, so when i gave birth Vic, i was 136!!!!!! so i haven't been able to bloat the 11 lbs. i have in me :( i was such an active girl when i was younger, i still have arms, abs a little toned ( under all that fat ) but i can't anymore, i have made like two tries of insanity workout and i always stuck on month 1!! I realize i'm not going to pressure myself anymore i have started to love my body as it is, with extra skin, stretch marks, a little of cellulite ok well that doesn't make me very proud, but i'm focusing on being healthy and changing my eating habits and the good body will come alone, and with exercise of course, i can't afford the gym so i'm looking for a good you tube workout that doesn't make me wanna throw up & give up haha like insanity does, at least until i got some condition..
I went through many months of depression and low self-esteem, then i started to search links on the internet and i found this amazing girl and her blog, after i read that and some others post i felt like it was time to make a spiritual change with my body.Almost 8 years complaining about it, it has to stop!!
and so it has stopped, i feel so comfortable in my skin i feel great, i do have to maybe lose some pounds but not the way i was used to. I started to found and found lots of good mommas blogs so i decided i needed to have mine. I love meeting new people most if they're mommy's, i sometimes got so sick of Facebook i have so many people there that i don't even know and that's not the bad thing, but i hate when it turns into a little gossip place, hypocritical people ugh, i feel so disconnected when i'm here at blogger, i'm loving this...

Have a great weekend people!! love to all...


  1. Estâ muy graciosa sin los dientes de en medio!!! Ya le saldrân, no hay ninyos sin dientes... Sobre el pecho, quê raro que pida tan poquito, mi ninya con 2 anyos y medio casi, sigue con el pecho y mînimo antes de la siesta y antes de dormir, y luego durante la noche incontables veces.
    Sobre la nutella, puedes fabricarla tû misma, yo aûn no me he animado pero tengo receta para hacerla si te interesa, mucho mâs sana. Encima se puede anyadir stevia en lugar de azûcar u otro edulcorante y ya pleno natural!
    (disculpa por escribir en espanyol, espero no te moleste, me gustan mucho tus entradas!).

  2. Your daughters are very beautiful! Her little teeth are so cute!

    I think I need to join you with the healthy eating!

    Head High Heart Strong
